Podcast Assignment

My review of three popular podcasts

First Podcast

  1. Millennial: Will Work for Free
  2. Meghan Tan
  3. It’s about interns and how Meghan was unable to pay her interns and how she had to come to terms with having to have them work for free. While they were okay with it, she felt bad.
  4. Personal stories and featured the voices of some of the other interns. It was formatted in storytelling and so some of it was narrated where the host was speaking directly to the audience and other parts sound like the conversation was in real time and the audience was like a fly on the wall. A couple of times she did one on one interviews with the people she was talking about in the podcast.
  5. Amazon prime music, care.com
  6. The background music was fitting and the host made a personal connection to promoting the sponsor’s of the show. It made me feel less annoyed with having to sit through commercials. It was cool that the host had background noises like she was talking in the scene she was narrating but at the same time it wasn’t distracting.


Second Podcast

  1. Stuff You Should Know: Is Computer Addiction a Thing?
  2. Josh Clark, Charles W Chuck Bryant, Jerry
  3. Is computer use and the types of things we use technology for becoming addictive?
  4. It was a conversation back and forth between the 2 main hosts. They reference a lot of articles that they read and studies that they pulled in relation to the topic. Also pulled articles that compared desire driven behavior about computer usage in comparison to desire driven behavior in relation to drugs or alcohol.
  5. Food Stuff (another podcast on the website Stuff You Should Know),
  6. It was really interesting the amount of resources they had. It wasn’t used to argue one point or another, but they used it to start a conversation or debate. They were also pretty humorous and used personal stories to connect the audience with the topic. News articles about addiction even being fatal was something interesting they discussed for a while. The articles discussed the medical factors being fatal computer addictions which made me see the topic as more serious. The only thing I did not like was the song choice for intermission and introduction.


Third Podcast

  1. Risk: Southern Folk
  2. Kevin Allison
  3. The topic is 3 embarrassing stories that are from people in Texas.
  4. The content is multiple different funny/embarrassing stories that people from Texas tell that happened in their childhood. The background sound makes it seem like the story tellers is on stage in front of a live audience.
  5. He promoted the website and you can donate to the show and get benefits in return. It runs like a GoFundMe.
  6. It was interesting because a lot of the stories were sad or slightly morbid but the comedians did a great job of making light of the situation. The fact that the stories were about things the comedians did when they were kids made the situations that much funnier. I love standup comedy personally but sometimes those hour long specials get tiresome. This was perfect with each bit last long enough to keep my attention and get to the punch line and move on.


My transcript of a Podcast I made


Boomer Sooner!

My name is Savannah Jung

I’m a 4th year old college senior majoring in public relations.

My ultimate goal is to become an account manager at a PR firm in Dallas.

I grew up in Fort Worth Texas

My most powerful personality trait is my work ethic or my loyalty.

I grew up absolutely terrified to be in front of people. I use to sing in choir and at one recital I had a solo and I was so nervous that my voice shook so bad through the entire performance you could hardly tell what I was singing.

I hated feeling that scared and after joining cheer I found my confidence and began to love being infront of people. Now I love public speaking and it was actually one of my favorite classes that I took while in college.

My family is a bunch of loud crazy loving Germans. We have a sick sense of humor and like to bust each other’s chops but we are also crazy protective of one another.

I love OU and I could not be happier that I chose to come here. Everyone from students, to faculty to the locals is so friendly and outgoing. Nobody is scared to chat you up and it feels like everyone is your friend.

I came here for the journalism and mass communication program.

Finding balance between school, work, friends and being involved in all the amazing opportunities OU has to offer is a constant battle.

BEing minutes away from your best friends makes college that much better. It doesn’t matter the time or day, there is always someone somewhere willing to hangout and go do something.

I am currently single as of this December and couldn’t be happier to have the time to focus on getting myself together before I graduate and head out into the big scary real world.

I am almost constantly worrying about money. Whether it’s my current financial situation or my future one as I look for a job, I’m always worried about how unstable I am financially.

This year is the first year I am not working while in school. I opted for an unpaid internship that would give me great experience for my future career.

I wish college professors knew how badly I want to succeed in school in general and their class specifically. I wish they understood that even with that desire, I still have other responsibilities that I have to prioritize over their class. If my work is not what they think could be my best I want them to understand I had to allocate that time elsewhere but for valid reasons.

Two things “To whom much is given much is expected” from my mom and my cheer coach would always get on to people who didn’t do conditioning full out. She would say that cutting those corners only hurt you in the future.

Usually I wake up around 5, hit the gym, go tan, clean up and get ready for class. After class I usually either have meetings for organizations I am a part of or I go to my internship. I’m usually home between 6 and 7 and then do more homework while I eat dinner. Then I read my bible devotion for the day and go to bed.

If I had 3 wishes the first would be to find a love like my parents have. The next would be to find a job I love that I am wildly successful at. And lastly to make a lot of money so that I could provide a good future for my kids, give back to my family for all they’ve done for me and have some left over to distribute to nonprofits and charities that I respect.

I look up to Pritch Pritchard who is a professor and a director for Lindsey + Asp in Gaylord. His connections professionally and his fun relaxed personality are both things I highly respect. He is so well established in the field of PR and I hope to one day be an 8th of the professional that he is.

I dislike brands that try to mimic trends or what other brands are doing. I appreciate creativity and originality in brands. My favorite social media networks are definitely Twitter for humor and Facebook for fun facts and interesting content.

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