Video Assignment

For my Social Media Marketing class, I had to answer a series of questions in the form of video. The questions were mainly about the practice of companies and brands using social media to reach their audience and what social norms they violate or should follow. It really got me thinking about how I use a filter when scanning my social media. After a brand misuses a social platform too many times, we tend to scroll past it and grow more irritated by its existence. Brands should really head the warning of the millennial generation about making content that is genuine and personal instead of flashy and pushy. Here is a video of my answers as well as the transcribed answers. What are your thoughts about this topic?

How can brands better reach millennials?

My answer: Brands need to create an individual image and narrative in order to better reach millennials. They need to create a personal narrative so that the generation feels they know the brand intimately instead of just superficially

What are things that are annoying to millennials?

Millennials are annoyed by loud flashy ads that try to convince them they need a product or service.

What are some things you love seeing on social?

Personally when I am on social media, I love seeing when a company or brand responds to a customer’s post or they share the post with their network of followers or friends.

What do you scroll past?

I scroll past anything that majority of posts that advertise deals or specials and even scroll past sweepstakes opportunities. To be the chances of being chosen are so slim that it’s hardly worth taking the time to get involved.

What kinds of posts do you interact with on social?

I will watch or read posts that have to deal with some humanitarian act that the brand is doing or if there is a story involved in the post or video I will stop and sometime even comment or like other commenters posts.

What networks are you on?

I am on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and LinkedIn.


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