Story Telling: Week 3

Ever since King Tion sent his brother into exile for attempting to murder his first-born son Likoma, the entire lion tribe had been on edge. After Tion banished him from the pride, Carniage made it his mission to build up an army to one day return to the pride lands and have his revenge on his brother and … More Story Telling: Week 3

Week 3, Reading diary continued: Ramayana

The story Rama Attacks (Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists by Sister Nivedita) was extremely disturbing to me. Ravana attempting to trick Sita into believing that Rama was dead was so heart breaking! Although I believe that Ravana’s powers are strong I don’t understand how Sita couldn’t recognize that the head she was shown was not actually … More Week 3, Reading diary continued: Ramayana