The Unsinkable Savannah

I know the usual phrase is the Unsinkable Molly Brown, in reference to the Titanic. However, I always loved this phrase it proves two things. It is inevitable that things will happen that are less than ideal. You will be challenge and pushed to your limits no matter your point in life and you cannot control. What you can control? How you look at it, react to it and learn from it.

I’m Savannah Jung and I am unsinkable. I am dedicated, determined and driven and even at times thick headed. My passion is what drives me personally and professionally and that is why I love Public Relations. I am driven by social interaction and engaging with the public. To me, the fastest way to learn is by surrounding yourself with different types of people and actively listening. This is a value I bring everyday when I work with clients or peers. Creativity and success is based on widening your mind and what is an easier and more fun way to accomplish that then by talking with people.

This is my blog. It is filled with course work but also professional materials that I hope will give you some visual insight into what I value in my work life and the extent of my work ethic. Leave comments, send me emails or any other form of feedback. A blog is a conversation, not a dissertation so I would love your thoughts and opinions. Thank you for taking the time to visit this site. Salut!